Enrollment Form

Click on the link below

After you fellout the Enrollment Form & submitted a page will appear by WUFOO that will say “Thank you for filling out my form”. That means that your Enrollment Form was submitted. You do not need to click on the green button, just ignore it. You will hear from me sometime the same day or following day with a email confirmation.

Important Note:

The one day Boot Camp is for someone that already has approval from the DRE (California Department of Real Estate) to schedule a sales person to broker state exam. In California before you will qualify to schedule a salesperson or broker state exam, you must first complete prerequisites. (3 prerequisites for the salesperson exam & 8 prerequisites for the broker exam.) If you do not have approval to schedule a state exam from the DRE or if you have not completed your prerequisites, I can help you with that with a Special Price day. If that’s the case, email me instead of filling out the Enrollment Form at jmarshallspeaks@gmail.com Please specify clearly what stage you are at in the email along with any questions that you may have.

Copyright © 1977-2023 All rights reserved. In business since June 1977

PO Box 12643
Marina Del Rey, CA 90295
United States